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Department of Anesthesia & Pain Management Logo

Thoracic Anesthesia

 Surgeons dedicated to thoracic surgery perform over 800 procedures annually at the Toronto General Hospital. Oncology comprises the majority of these cases. However, there are special interest groups for:

  • surgical treatment of end-stage respiratory disease including lung volume reduction and transplantation
  • airway surgery
  • surgery for myasthenia gravis
  • pulmonary thrombo-endarterectomy 
  • esophageal surgery

Members of the anesthesia department play an essential role in the evaluation and optimization of these patients as well as their care in the operating room and post-operative pain management.

University of Toronto PGY3-5 residents do a 3-week block of thoracic anesthesia as well as emergency cases on call. The thoracic anesthesia faculty organizes a series of didactic seminars in thoracic anesthesia for the PGY4 residents in the University of Toronto anesthesia program, as well as thoracic anesthesia seminars for U of T Anesthesia and thoracic surgical fellows.

Lead Physician(s)

Dr. Peter Slinger