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Department of Anesthesia & Pain Management Logo
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Keyvan Karkouti

Stuart A McCluskey


Academic Position

Associate Professor

Staff Position

Staff Physician


Toronto General Hospital, UHN

Expertise and Academic Interests

Blood Management
Cardiac Programs
Consult and Pre-Admission Unit
Pain Medicine
Perioperative Care
Quality and Safety
Transplantation Program
Hyperbaric Medicine


I am a clinician investigator in the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, UHN. My areas of interest include perioperative blood management, fluid management, abdominal organ transplantation, and perioperative outcomes research. I am the Medical Director of the Patient Blood Management Program, and the Intraoperative Coagulation Point of Care Program. As chair of the Hospital Transfusion Committee, I ensure the unique perspective of anesthesia is considered. I am the anesthesia director for solid organ abdominal transplantation.

Hobbies and Interest

Fitness F45, Golf, Gardening

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