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Pain Council

The Pain Council represents the Division of Pain Medicine across University Health Network, Sinai Health System, and Women's College Hospital. The mandate of the Pain Council is to develop an integrated and coordinated clinical, education, and research-focused approach between the different sites and programs. The council provides leadership for responsible pain management in the areas of acute, transitional, chronic, and cancer related pain. In addition to clinical development, the interdisciplinary council will develop the educational and research programs affiliated with the Division of Pain Medicine. 

Pain Council membership includes representation from across the interprofessional group of clinicians involved with pain management services across University Health Network, Sinai Health System, and Women's College Hospital.

Current members of the Pain Council include (2023-2024):

  • Dr. David Flamer; Chair, and Site Lead (Sinai Health)
  • Dr. Anuj Bhatia: Site Lead (Toronto Western Hospital)
  • Dr. Hance Clarke: Site Lead (Toronto General Hospital)
  • Dr. Yasmine Hoydonckx: Site Lead (Women's College Hospital)
  • Dr. Tania Di Renna: Site Lead (Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute)
  • Dr. John Flannery: Representative, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 
  • Salima Ladak: PhD, Allied Health Lead (NP, Toronto General Hospital)
  • Silvi Groe: Operations Lead, Comprehensive Integrated Pain Program (CIPP)
  • Dr. Keyvan Karkouti: UHN-MSH-WCH-KEI-CAMH Anesthesiologist-in-Chief