Canadian Interventional Pain Course (CIPC)
This course is held in parallel with the 2025 Canadian Pain Society (CPS) Annual Scientific Meeting
Program Chair: Dr. David Flamer, Dr. Abeer Alomari
Join us for Canadian Interventional Pain Course (CIPC), running alongside the Canadian Pain Society's 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting. This comprehensive 2-day course features expert-led didactic sessions on May 2 (Day 1) and a hands-on workshop on May 3 (Day 2), covering ultrasound-guided and fluoroscopy-guided procedures. Topics include spine interventions, nerve blocks, musculoskeletal injections, neuromodulation, radiofrequency ablation, and regenerative medicine.
Space is limited—reserve your spot today by emailing .
Day 1 (Didactic Day) - Friday May 2, 2025
Venue: Women’s College Hospital- Main auditorium 77 Grenville Street, Toronto ON M5S 1B2
Registration on & Breakfast 0730-0830
Welcome Remarks
Course Directors: Dr. David Flamer and Dr. Abeer Alomari
0830 – 0840
Panel 1: All about the Spine – I
Algorithm for Diagnosis and Treatment for Pain in the neck
Dr. Ivan Cohen 0840 – 0900
Thoracic-mediated pain: Approach and interventional considerations
Dr. Harsha Shanthanna
0900 – 0920
Low Back Pain: Correlating imaging findings with causality
Dr. Anuj Bhatia
Fluoroscopic Guided Procedures for Lumbar Spine: TFESI, ILE, MBB
Dr. Ian Beauprie
0940 – 1000
Q & A
1000 – 1015
Coffee and Networking 1015 – 1045
Panel 2: All about the Spine – II
SIJ mediated Pain: Diagnosis and Interventions
Dr. Mohan Radhakrishna
Optimizing Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation: Anatomical Updates
Dr. Eldon Loh & John Tran
Pro-Con debate for Ultrasound-guidance for Lumbar Spine procedures to relieve pain
Dr. Rod Finlayson
Update: surgical referrals and decision making
Dr. Raj Rampersaud
Q & A
Lunch & Networking Time 1215-1315
Panel 3: All about the Joints
Shoulder interventions: GHJ, ACJ, Hydrodilation for frozen shoulder, SSN block
Dr. Nimish Mittal 1315-1335
Hip interventions: intra-articular, PENG block, GTPS injections, denervation techniques
Dr. Abeer Alomari
Update: Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Steven Helper
Q & A
Coffee and Networking 1430 – 1450
Panel 4: Specialty Topics
Update on headache management: medications and interventions
Dr. Aaron Kirschner
Update: Neuromodulation
Dr. Anuj Bhatia
Running an efficient chronic pain practice
Dr. Aarun Gupta
Q & A
Concluding Remarks and feedback
Day 2 (Workshop Day) - Saturday May 3, 2025
Venue: Mount Sinai Hospital- Surgical Skill lab 2nd floor
600 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1X5
0700 -0800 Breakfast with Faculty
0745-0800 Introduction and safety review
0800-0900 Rotation One
0900-100 Rotation Two
1000-1015 Coffee Break
1015-1115 Rotation Three
1115-1215 Rotation Four
1215-1315 Lunch
1315-1415 Rotation One
1415-1515 Rotation Two
1515-1530 Break
1530-1630 Rotation Three
1630-1730 Rotation Four
1730 Conclusion and Evaluations
Bundle A: Fluoroscopy Stations
Hands-on anatomy station (mandatory) AND choose 3 of 4
1. Lumbar Procedures - I: transforaminal epidural, interlaminar epidural, caudal
2. Lumbar procedures - II: medial branch block/radiofrequency ablation, lumbar sympathetic plexus injection
3. Sacral procedures: sacroiliac intra articular, sacral lateral branch block, sacral lateral branch RFA
4. Cancer procedures: ganglion impar, superior hypogastric plexus, splanchnic/celiac
Bundle B: Ultrasound Stations Choose 4 of 5 (one station will be a cadaver, others live models)
1. Peripheral nerve blocks –intercostal nerves, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, stellate ganglion block, greater and lesser occipital block
2. MSK I: hip, greater trochanteric bursa, PENG block, knee, genicular nerve block
3. MSK II: glenohumeral joint, AC joint, suprascapular, rotator cuff interval, ankle joint
4. Spine: lumbar medial branch/facet joint, sacral lateral branch block, sacroiliac joint (cadaver)
5. Miscellaneous: erector spinae block, pudendal, piriformis, genitofemoral nerve, ilioinguinal/ iliohypogastric nerve.
*First come first served basis for station preference for both bundles
Course Directors: Dr. David Flamer and Dr. Abeer Alomari
Course Coordinator: Danielle Alvares
Please contact to register
Practicing physicians –
$2000 to a end both days, $800 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)
Trainees and Allied health –
$1000 to attend both days, $400 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)
Discounted rate if attendee is also registered for the CPS meeting:
Practicing physicians –
$1500 to attend both days, $600 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)
Trainees and Allied health –
$750 to attend both days, $300 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)
Planning Committee:
Dr. Harsha Shanthanna, McMaster University
Dr. David Flamer, University of Toronto
Dr. Philip Peng, University of Toronto
Dr. Rod Finlayson, McGill University
Dr. Ian Beauprie, Dalhousie University
Dr. Anuj Bhatia, University of Toronto
Dr. Abeer Alomari, University of Toronto
Dr. Harsha Shanthanna, McMaster University
Dr. David Flamer, University of Toronto
Dr. Rod Finlayson, McGill University
Dr. Ian Beauprie, Dalhousie University
Dr. Anuj Bhatia, University of Toronto
Dr. Paul Tumber, University of Toronto
Dr. Nimish Mi al, University of Toronto
Dr. Aaron Kirschner, University of Toronto
Dr. Arun Gupta, University of Toronto
Dr. Ivan Cohen, Dalhousie University
Dr. Mohan Radhakrishna, McGill University
Dr. Eldon Loh, Western University
Dr. John Tran, Western University
Dr. Steven Helper, University of British Columbia
Dr. James Khan, University of Toronto
Dr. Paul Etheridge, University of British Columbia
Dr. Abeer Alomari, University of Toronto